Gwilly Edmondez
January 12, 2015

Gwilly Edmondez taught me that to really understand music means to learn how to genuinely like something about any kind of music. "We're living in a rock n' roll world. We're living in a bad bad bad bad decision." Recorded by our producer Benjamin Tomasi on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Joerg Zemmler
February 15, 2015

A house-music-performance by Joerg Zemmler, a writer, musician, performer from Alto Adige. Recorded by our producer Benjamin Tomasi on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Golden Diskó Ship with Helen Hess
April 1, 2015

Around 5pm on a Monday in Berlin, Golden Disko Ship and Helen Hess held a séance and called upon lettristé spirits for their wisdom about global interconnected consciousness. Recorded by our producer Benjamin Tomasi on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Marie Thompson
May 12, 2015

With minimal strokes, dots and loops, Marie Thompson masterfully played her Oboe to paint an eerie picture onto the pale Jugendstil surfaces flanking the echoing grand plaza at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Recorded by our producer Benjamin Tomasi on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Ryo Ikeshiro
June 22, 2015

Ryo Ikeshiros "Construction in Self" is a generative work based on the Lorenz dynamical system. It has sensitive dependence on initial conditions, giving rise to what is commonly known as the “butterfly effect”. Its generative form is suggested by this property and the work takes an input prior to the performance as the initial conditions from which a different piece is produced each time. For the Bim podcast, the GPS coordinates of the Palais des Beaux Arts were used as the starting position to generate a unique geolocation-specific performance. Recorded by Bernhard Garnicnig on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Luiza Schulz
August 13, 2015

Ice cubes, piano and crystal glass are the elements of this electro-acoustic improvisation by Luiza Schulz. Transmitted from Rio de Janeiro into this particularly hot and humid summer night in front of the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Recorded by Bernhard Garnicnig on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. With Additional recordings courtesy of Peter Cusak. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Jung an Tagen (VIV)
September 8, 2015

Jung An Tagen builds aleatoric arrays, repetitive figures and polyrhythmic moirés circulating around distinctive timbres and haptic fragments, resulting in a vision of morphing movements between high energy and zero gravity states. Recorded by Benjamin Tomasi on the sidewalk at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Elvin Brandhi
November 30, 2015

Elvin Brandhi got into a black car to get to her gig that night. She wasn't interested in small talk with the chauffeur, instead she recorded this. Recorded by Bernhard Garnicnig at the wheel starting at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. Binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Benjamin Tomasi
December 14, 2015

Amidst the soundscape of a techno-hedonist pilgrimage site relentlessly penetrating the walls around his Berlin loft, Benjamin Tomasi created this special blend using big data I Ching powered by Shazam, an open window and his big heart. For this special new years episode, he revisited these recordings while walking around a special street corner at the Palais des Beaux Arts Wien. This is a binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.

Claire Tolan
February 23, 2016

Claire Tolan is "interested in the crippling sublime that the individual experiences in the face of complex, planetary systems — climate (and its change), finance, etc. — and the anxiety that this sublime produces". With ASMR, she "explores possible sutures for this anxiety, or more generally, find a different, more strategic and empowered response to complex systems". This is a binaural recording, headphones recommended for listening.